Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Where I've been + Crafty Superstar!

Where I've been + other updates

Ah, hello everyone! Long time no update, I know! I hope you'll excuse my absence though, haha.
Lots of things have happened, and I've missed this little blogging community so much. I've been playing catch up for the past couple weeks and I've been very excited to come back to writing posts, and I thought about it all Summer long.
P.S take a look at the end of this post for some super exciting news!
So to begin- I turned 17! This happened in April (wow I still can't believe it's been so long). I'm really not sure how I feel about it. Actually no... I feel old. VERY old. I know someday I'll be wishing I was back to being a 17 year old, but right now, I'd rather stop time- or rewind it a little bit anyway!
I got so many amazingly lovely gifts- Doctor Who items made lots of appearances!

Next thing to happen after that was stitches! (*cue internal screaming*)
I'm okay of course, but I did get bitten in the leg by a loose dog!
It was the first time anyone in my family had ever been to the ER so I had no idea what was going on, but it wasn't too bad- This was in May though, and I've still got the scar on my leg!

Aaand finally- the biggest reason for my sudden disappearance!
This summer I got offered a job as a photographer/media director at the Summer camp I normally cook at! I (of course) accepted, and went in with NO idea on how ANYTHING would work. This was the first summer our camp had even had a photographer!
There were so many things that happened this summer- both good and bad- but I'm so glad I went. I made some amazing, wonderful, more than fantastic friends, and got even closer to old friends.
Here are a few pictures that were just taken for fun. If anyone's interested (probably not haha) I'll upload a post with more pictures. :)

Bonfires that lasted way past midnight (like this one) were just the greatest.
Crafty Superstar

One more super important thing guys! I had the amazing honor of being asked to do a feature called 'Crafty Superstar' on the website 'Cut out + Keep'!!
It's been a secret I've kept from you guys for way too long and I'm so excited to share it with you  now! You can head on over by clicking here and checking everything out!
I do hope you all like my projects. Let me know if you try anything- I'd love to see pictures :)

I commend you if you read everything here! Thanks so much for sticking around guys. The support I still get on my last post is amazing! I'll be back very soon with new posts. :)

Stay minty,


  1. I hope you are okay after your stitches! I just checked out your feature on 'Cut Out & Keep' and it looks really lovely :) Well done you!
    - F -

    1. I'm doing well,- thank you!! And thanks again, so glad you like it! :)
      xx Juli

  2. Aw your camp looks like so much fun! The photos are lovely x

    1. Yes it is! I miss it already. Thank you so much!
      xx Juli


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